Post Prison Re-entry Program.

About Us.

Our Mission.

EXxperts is a grassroots group of professionals led by individuals
with lived experience. We employ cognitive behavior therapy,
anger management, substance abuse counseling, and
community organizing to prepare returning citizens to:

  1. Build careers in professional trades

  2. Become EXxperts who mentor the at-risk population.

Our Values.

  1. Self-Sufficiency - Members will learn and hone professional skills
    to obtain stable and fulfilling employment.

  2. Mutual Aid - Members will help each other work collectively and share responsibilities. One link - one chain.

  3. Community - We are dedicated to building and strengthening relationships between formerly incarcerated people and their neighborhoods by helping them start new lives & inspire others.

EXxperts recognizes that there are many individuals in the community who have made the shift from precarious situations to become stable and successful.  These individuals can have a significant impact on the lives of others in the community as life coaches, mentors, trainers, and champions of change. 

  • The name ⎼ EXxperts ⎼ represents this framework. 

    • The big X represents the individuals who have made this transformation and can become influential to others. 

    • The small x represents the next generation, the variable that can be influenced. 

    • The EXxperts need the opportunity to live in a safe, loving environment, with access to resources to learn a trade and support to become successful, self-sufficient experts in their new field and contributors to their new community.  

    • Through EXxperts, we will build a positive community and productive neighborhoods.

  • Some of these big X’s may be in challenging situations and need the support of the EXxperts organization.

    • For example, they may be returning from prison and must have their basic needs met before they can become a positive influence on others.

    • They can benefit from structure and resources to help them achieve self-fulfillment and positive community presence

    • Rather than coming back from prison and moving back into an environment where they might put a strain on their family and community, these men will come back into the community with a path and with support to become successful in their own lives and positive influences on the next generation.