EXxperts is committed to meeting human needs.

How can EXxperts meet your needs?

  • Provide a safe option for individuals who may be precariously housed or in need of an empowering, healthy and productive environment as well as training and life coaching.  

  • Provide immediate access to Basic Needs and provide programs, training, support, job opportunities, and lifestyle that enables pursuit of Self-fulfillment needs and ultimately a path to Self-actualization

  • Build a program that becomes self-funding so that the success can be replicated and the model can generate growth to accommodate a larger number of participants.

  • Offer ongoing support for the individuals in the program to encourage them to become life coaches and guide others on a similar path.


Build a Foundation:

  • Meet the immediate physiological and safety needs by offering shelter, food, provisions & a safe, secure environment.

  • Provide support for connection with the community 

  • Offer resources for employment in low to medium skilled roles

  • Include a training program that develops skills and assist with job search for a more sustainable living situation.

Discover Self Fulfillment:

  • Sustain a safe and healthy living situation

  • Reliable, regular income with the ability, training, desire and confidence to find and sustain a regular and full time job

  • Become the Big X — Provide life coaching and mentoring to younger people in the neighborhood to engage the next generation in a more fulfilling life choice earlier in the cycle.